Saturday, August 22, 2020

Trial of King Charles free essay sample

Josh Robinson Mr.. Comer 15 November 2012 Trial of King Charles I Summary of Charges King Charles I of England is being charged as a despot, backstabber, and killer; and an open and unappeasable adversary of the Commonwealth of England. He is indicted for utilizing his capacity to seek after his own advantage instead of the benefit of England, and seething war against the parliament and the individuals of England. For the Defense My customer confesses, yet for a lesser allegation than death. He was just attempting to make the right decision for England. The individuals of England were experiencing a tough time and the nation required cash. At the point when my customer and the Parliament couldn't concede to terms of tax collection and plans to fund-raise, his solitary decision was to break up Parliament. As ruler, he was ling power and the best way to recover that force was to take up arms against Parliament. We will compose a custom exposition test on Preliminary of King Charles or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page We both concur that this war wasn't right and absurd and numerous extraordinary lives were lost. We argue that his discipline ought to be expulsion as ruler of England and Exile from this extraordinary nation. Witnesses 1. Oliver Cromwell Was for the Parliament, General of Horse in the military. I will utilize him to show that he wanted to topple King Charles I before the common war had begun. 2. Jacob Castle Fought for the Royalist, Baron and Major General in the royalist armed force. Noble Castle will help demonstrate King Charles I was an unassuming ruler. 3. Ralph Hops Commander of the royalist armed force and Baron of Stratton. Im utilizing Baron Hops to give data of what King Charles I had wanted to do on the off chance that he had won the war. 4. George Goring-General of Horse for the Royalist armed force and Baron. George will offer his input of how it was to battle for King Charles I and the Royalist armed force 5. Charles Lucas Royalist, Lieutenant General of Horse. I will utilize Charles Lucas to tell everybody how life as a detainee was under the Parliamentary armed force. To the Jury: A roundhead is a supporter for the Parliament and a Cavalier is a supporter for the lord. Rundown of Evidence [pick] If the parliament had conceded to tax collection with King Charles I This war would have never have occurred and lives would Not have been lost. Oliver Cromwell was against King Charles marriage When King Charles wedded Henrietta Mar to make A coalition with France. Oliver Cromwell would not Know how to ensure England. T you blame King Charles to murder to Englands Own kin, at that point you ought to denounce the Parliament As well, since the two sides were English. Expectant Arguments Argument: King Charles bolstered Catholics Answer: King Charles upheld Louis XIII so England and France could become partners. Contention: King Charles began this war by attempting to raise burdens on the individuals of England. Answer: King Charles required cash from the wars he had battled to secure his nation. The Parliament were irrational and he no other method to fund-raise. Since the Parliament had not helped they were pointless to him so he excused them. Detachment of Church and State Just about everyone in England was Protestant, including the individuals from Parliament. Ruler Charles I drove the Parliament crazy by supporting Louis XIII catholic) who was at common war against Protestants. Ruler Charles additionally wedded Henrietta Mar who was catholic. The strict issues ought not be remembered for this case since it is immaterial. Ruler Charles I is Protestant as is everybody in Parliament. Point of reference: I might want to see this cases result shape history by notice all lords, or even tyrants that on the off chance that they dont tune in to the individuals of their nation, they wont manage extremely long. Inquiries for Consideration: 1 . This occasion is depicted as the English Civil War in light of the fact that the English were battling the English. 2. I would have been a roundhead in light of the fact that having an outright ruler isn't the correct decision for a sort of government. 3. I think the effect the English Civil War will have is that different nations will over toss their rulers/sovereigns. 4. Oliver Cromwell turned into the Lord Protector of England, which is like the president, and the parliament is like the House of Representatives. 5. I decided to be a lawyer for the protection on the grounds that despite the fact that King Charles I settled on some off-base choices and caused the common war, I don't figure he ought to have been decapitated before several individuals. My decision didn't change all through my exploration.

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